Intense Live Series Vol. 5

  1. Lift
  2. Tuesday Assassin
  3. One Tree Hill
  4. Rift
  5. Thy Word
  6. Cryptic
Recorded April 10, 1993 & mixed April 29, 1993


lift your voices
lift your holy hands
lift your praises high
lift them up in the name of the author of love

time - bending, everlasting
almighty God from age to age
beginning and ending
one God worthy to be praised

God is love
love is God
and He's Invincible

lift your troubled soul
lift your weary eyes
lift your broken life
lift them up in the name of the author of faith

effecting and causing
almighty Lord of time and space
who was and is and is to come
one love worthy to be praised!


Tuesday Assassin


my mind is racing
my body tense
my logic questions
what should make sense

i live for freedom
i die for peace
but in this prison cell
all slogans cease

tuesday's forgotten
tomorrow comes
moments i've chosen
are silent ones

my memories crashing
against the walls
flavored hysteria
i taste them all

Break addiction
Shake it's hold
Break seduction
Let Him take control

a little trial
condemns me here
eyes filled with terror
i'm stalked by fear

chemical battles
leave scars grotesque
my senses rattle
my hands bereft

my veins are pounding
rhythms of life
my nerves resounding
echoes of ice

i look to heaven
a welcome sight
just around the corner
from tuesday night


you say you'll lift me up
you say you'll cover me
you say you'll fill my cup
before it empties

you say you're never far
you say not far from me
you say that where you are i'll always be
and i believe you

you say that when you love
you love with all your might
you say you trust by faith and not by sight
and i believe ... you

i believe you, i believed you

you said you'd lift me up
you said you'd cover me
you said you'd nurse my cuts
you stare and watch me bleed

your eyes have seen The Glory
but your body's on hold
your lips have kissed The Story
but your story's leaving me cold

sometimes our lives depend
on that which we place faith in
and sometimes faith relies
in Whom we are depending

sometimes our broken hearts
are healed the moment we
Believe Again

Note from inside cover of 'Godspeed':
"Rift was the last song to be recorded for the album Fathom not because of its adept complexty. Neaither was it because of the endless hours it took to cross-fade 50 milliseconds of a single loop to try to get rid of an obvious digital 'glitch'. No, it was a lot more basic than that. Jyro had not finished the lyrics to the song up until 5 minutes before he had to track vocals! Yet, it would become the most popular song in Mortal's repertoire, if not the most remembered."

Extra Note:

Allen Aguirre is the guest vocalist for this song.


'...learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow.' -- Isaiah 1:17

I was driving through the inner-city one afternoon and I saw...

people aching desperate streets walking no ghosts here reality
concrete raining merciless bitter

taste feel the chill agony fire no attempt scratch the earth above
the earth life struggle across the tower

outside the structure grotesque no crime no vindication doomed to
fate under thunder skies open you wait for

P e a c e
H o p e
L o v e
J e s u s C h r i s t

chosen futile no response from the masses enigma faceless
thousand destiny twisted speeding the process

P e a c e
H o p e
L o v e
J e s u s C h r i s t

prisoners of a genetic disorder eyes so bright in the shadows
fearing tomorrow when sunlight may kill but they have love

millions of people walk the cracks in the streets where we live
why can't we give something they're dying for?

P e a c e
H o p e
L o v e
J e s u s C h r i s t

I would die for...

P e a c e
H o p e
L o v e
J e s u s C h r i s t

I would live for...

Note from inside cover of 'Godspeed':
"Track 8 from Mortal's full-length debut Lusis always carried a peculiar power. Especially, live; when the audience and the band were united in chanting the words, "Peace, Love, Jesus Christ"!"